
Swift package that provides seamless integration with Stability.AI


  • SPM
  • Carthage
  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Navigate to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency.
  3. Enter the URL of the StabilityAIKit repository:
  4. Choose the desired version rule, branch, or specific commit.
  5. Click Next and then Finish.
  6. Wait for Xcode to resolve and fetch the package. Once completed, StabilityAIKit will be added to your project.
  1. Create a Cartfile in your project's root directory or open the existing Cartfile.
  2. Add the following line to your Cartfile:
    github "your-username/StabilityAIKit"
  3. Save the Cartfile.
  4. Open Terminal, navigate to your project's root directory, and run the following command:
    $ carthage update
    This command fetches and builds the StabilityAIKit framework.
  5. Once the command completes, locate the StabilityAIKit.framework in the Carthage/Build/iOS directory.
  6. Drag StabilityAIKit.framework into your Xcode project, ensuring to select "Copy items if needed" and adding it to your app's target.

Easy Integration

Simplify the process of integrating Stability.AI into your project.

Proxy Server Support

Built-in support for proxy servers enables easy configuration for seamless communication with the Stability.AI.


Comprehensive documentation provides installation instructions, API references, usage examples, and troubleshooting tips for easy understanding and utilization.

Swift Concurrency

Leverage Swift's concurrency features, including async and await.

No Extra Dependencies

Designed to be lightweight, StabilityAIKit has no additional external dependencies, minimizing its impact on your project and ensuring a smooth integration process.

Performance Optimization

StabilityAIKit optimizes performance by efficiently managing data transmission to Stability.AI, ensuring optimal resource utilization without impacting app responsiveness.